I have a confession to make, I
surf the internet really a lot. Every day I don’t sleep until I finish checking
my blog, my Wechat and Qzone. I chat with friends in language which people speaking Chinese but 10 years elder than me cannot
understand, so do most of young people in China. “么么哒”(me1me1da1), “造吗”(zao4ma5) and so on are words you cannot find in any books, but if
you want to learn to speak Chinese, you need at least know what
Chinese young people are talking about.
Firstly, “么么哒” is quite normal in conversations. “me1” sounds like the voice of a
big kiss, so at first we say “me1me1da1” to someone when we want to show we
like them and want to kiss them. Then this word got more and more popular and
the meaning generalized. Now people use this word to show fondness,
appreciation, or happiness. For example, “我想你,么么哒”(wo3 xiang3 ni3, me1me1da1 – I miss you), “明天见,么么哒”(Ming2tinan1 jian4 - see you) I think it is a little like the
phrase “XOXO”, and by the way girls say this more than boys.
Secondly, “造吗”(zao4 ma5) refers to “知道吗”(zhi1dao4 ma5 – Do you know?). When someone says “zhi1dao4
ma5”really fast, he may pronounce it unclearly and sounds like “zao4 ma5”.
Young people think that is funny and tend to say “造吗”? Now you can have a try and see if you would pronounce “zhi1dao4
ma5” as “zao4 ma5”.
Thirdly, “心塞”(xin1se4) is the abbreviation of “心肌梗塞”(xin1ji1geng3se4 - myocardial infarction). Of course it doesn’t
mean you are as painful as you have a myocardial infarction. It generally means
someone feels uncomfortable, it can be unhappy, stressed and so on. “我好心塞”(wo3 hao3 xin1se4 ) means I am really unhappy, upset, sad, it also
can express that I am really regretful about something stupid I did.
Now, since you have known some
of the popular words, when you speak Chinese with Chinese young people you
can use them and they would be surprised!
Want to learn to speak mandarin? Just visit my blog!Source: http://happbucket.jigsy.com/entries/chinese-class/speaking-chinese-speaking-popular-chinese!